Thursday, March 22, 2012

Great news!

This morning we got the news that Finn's EEG came back normal!!! I can not tell you how relieved I am. I swear i thought I was going to throw up on the drive to the hospital. Then our doctor was 10 minutes late coming into our exam room. I thought that was a sign of bad news. Terrible thoughts were racing thru my head...I already had tears in my eyes by the time she came in. Then she said 'I'm going to make this quick, his EEG looks great!' I just started bawling right there. The doc actually hugged me bc I was pretty much a hot mess. I was just so overjoyed! I already had myself preparing for the worst. I am just not used to getting good news from doctors. But finally a little ray of hope has shone upon us. Don't get me wrong, there are still a lot of hurdles to overcome, and just because his EEG looks normal now doesn't mean his seizures won't come back. The thing that is scary is no one can tell me anything certain. Finn is a very special case. He might be one of the lucky ones who never experiences any more seizures for the rest of his life, however, odds are he will but we don't know. Last time we saw the doc 2 weeks ago she talked about putting him on topamax after the ACTH ran its course, but she feels differently now. Since he is doing so well she wants to give him a chance to see if he can be drug free. So after ACTH he will not be on any medication. This kind of scares me bc what if he does start to have seizures again. More than likely they won't be infantile spasms but they could be a different type of seizure. And what if that seizure causes huge damage...? It's all these what ifs but like the doc said nothing is a guarantee but she wants to give him a chance to be drug free.

I just want to thank anyone and everyone who has been praying for Finn. The positive responses to the blog, to finn, everything has been so overwhelming. I am truly blessed to have you all in my life. I get strength from all the love and support. Plus, I'm lucky enough to witness a miracle everyday. Finn is truly a miracle baby.. Again thank you. My cup runneth over.


  1. Kasey!!! This is great news. I'm sure that it is so hard to wonder about all the what ifs but try to live in the moment and enjoy that little dude. He is doing so great and so are you guys. I bet you never thought you could be so strong but you are. I say a little prayer for your fam every day. ❤
