Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dietician appt

This morning Finn saw a Dietician in hopes we can figure out how to get a little more meat on his bones. First thing they did was a weight and height check. Since May 10 he has gained 1.1lb and grew 1.75inches!! This was surprising to hear since it takes Finn like 2 months to gain 1lb. Now on the growth chart Finn is in the 5% for weight (he used to be 3%) and 50% for height. The doc said she thinks Finn is going to be tall since he has big feet :) Anyway, she gave me some guide lines to follow diet wise. The main thing that's going to change is how I make his bottle. I now have to double the scoops that go into his bottle to add more calories to his diet. This is kind of hard to hear bc his formula is so expensive and now we are going to go through a case even faster than before. But it's what needs to be done to get Finn healthier. We hope to get Finn to gain about 2-3lbs in 2 months. So we shall see how this new diet helps!

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