Sunday, February 26, 2012

A parent should never have to stick their own child

Well today was the first of many days where Ethan and I have to give Finn his ACTH shot. It was the hardest thing I had to do. I cried. I actually cried more than Finn did. The first time I tried I chickened out half way thru and didn't push hard enough to break the skin. I had my mini freak out and then I sucked it up and did it. It was hard. But I know this is what is best for Finn. Ethan just gave Finn his 8:00pm shot and did wonderfully. He handled it so much better than me. Finn did great too. Didn't even cry. I can't stress enough how strong and brave this kid is. I don't know where he gets it. The nurses are also teaching me how to take Finn's blood pressure because I have to monitor it everyday since a side effect of ACTH is hypertension. I feel like I should go to nursing school! I'm giving shots, taking BP, testing urine and poop. God these 12 weeks are going to be long and hard. The things parents do for their kids. Of course I'm glad to do anything for my baby if will keep him healthy and safe. Tomorrow we should know for sure if we can be discharged of Tuesday. Here's hoping!

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