Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Roid Rage

Well I thought I was able to dodge this bullet, but I think Finn is showing signs of irritability from his steroids. It started 2 nights ago Finn screamed and cried from 11pm-12:45am. There was just no comforting him. He eventually cried himself to sleep. This trend has continued for the past 2 days and it doesn't matter what time of day it is. I am hoping this doesn't last the rest of the 11 weeks we have on ACTH, but I survived the first 3 months of Finn's life when he was super fussy so I guess I can handle it again. At least this time he is sleeping so much better!

Yesterday Finn had his 9 month check up. I always hate going to the pediatrician, because I always end up leaving feeling like a terrible mother. I get too hung up on those stupid percentile growth charts. Finn is doing great in the height department. That has never been an issue for him. But yesterday I found out that he has dropped off the chart for weight. Finn gaining weight has always been an issue for him. But now he is finally at the point where he is eating all his bottles and actually enjoying it. He's gaining weight, sure its slow, but I feel like that is all that matters. He is still not eating solids so I think that should factor into this too, but my pediatrician just looks at me and is like 'well we need to work on getting him to gain more' Really? I am feeding him! I can't force him to eat more at a time. So I really don't know what else to do. He is tall and skinny, so what? I would LOVE to be tall and skinny! He is still on the chart for head circumference too. Which surprised me. That was the main thing the doctors were worried about, making sure his head is growing. It still is, which is a good sign. Granted his head only grows like a centimeter every 3 months, but we are doing everything we can to make sure his head continues to grow. I am just so disappointed in my pediatrician. Finn has not been in to see him since December, and in that time a lot has happened to Finn. The pediatrician knows what Finn has been through, and yet he didn't even ask me how Finn was doing with the new medication, if he is still having spasms. Nothing like that. I would think seeing that this kid has been through hell and back, and as a doctor and a father, he would be concerned for him and wonder how he was doing. But he didn't want to talk about any of that. He just wanted to lecture me about Finn not gaining enough weight? Really?! Whatever. I have been meaning to find a new pediatrician, but I have had a lot on my plate and that just kinda fell on the back burner. But Finn has a neurology appt. on Thursday and I plan to ask if they can recommend a pediatrician who might have had experience with someone like Finn.

Finn got no sleep Sunday night and barely slept during the day on Monday. Last night he did great. Granted he had a huge crying fit before he fell asleep, but he slept from 11:30-4:30. Then he got up and had a snack, then he went back to bed at 6. That's when Ethan's alarm went off so we could start getting ready for the swallow study that Finn had at 8. But the last thing I wanted to do was wake Finn up after he just fell back asleep. We decided it was in Finn's best interest to reschedule the swallow study. I am glad we did because Finn ended up sleeping until 10! Poor little guy needed sleep so bad. Now he has been his pleasant self smiling and talking up a storm.


  1. Max has dropped from the 48% down to the 17%, 2.75% and thankfully is back up at the 3%... So I understand that concern & agree that I would love to be tall & skinny ;) Definitely good luck finding a new pediatrician - we are on our went through 3 in the first 2 years of Ella's life - best move ever... Good luck! Thank you for keeping this blog! I'm constantly thinking of you but since leaving FB I feel like I miss so much so it's nice to be able to keep in touch on some level. You are an amazing, real mother. God bless this road <3

  2. Thanks Maggie! Why did you leave facebook?!
