Two weeks later we see our neurologist. She tells me the reading of the EEG was kind of "murky" but that they definitely see seizure activity. He is experiencing 3 different kinds of focal seizures throughout the day. Which basically means that there are 3 different areas of the brain that are misfiring, and when that happens he experiences the arm twitch. However, not every time his arm twitches is a seizure. So it is very confusing. During these twitches, which only last a half a second, Finn is totally aware and engaged and talking through them. Which goes against typical seizure activity! So basically you can't tell between just an arm twitch and a seizure. Leave it to Finn to do another thing uncommon. We increased his Topamax but haven't seen a change in the frequency of twitches.
Finn has been doing amazing things in the last few months. I feel like he has been having a cognitive burst! He's nodding his head, he's walking like a champ in his walker, he is doing amazing things with his communication device, and actually started being more vocal in trying to say new sounds...he's been doing amazing! The neurologist let me know that these types of seizures are not doing any damage to his brain. It's apparent that they are not affecting his cognitive abilities and they don't appear to bother him, so instead of continuing to increase his medications in the hopes to stop these twitches all together (which may never happen) we should keep everything the same. Until it appears that these seizures are interfering with his life and/or learning we don't change anything. and I am in agreement with her. And plus I don't believe that I will ever be able to totally stop Finn's seizures. I feel like we will always be dealing with focal seizures because of his brain damage. But he is in great spirits, and he just continues to amaze everyone around him <3