I hate feeling powerless. I hate when things are beyond my control. I never considered myself a control freak until I had Finn.
I always thought that if I followed all the instructions...did all the therapies...put my heart, soul, and energy into doing all of those things everything would get better. Not that Finn would suddenly stop having spastic quad cp....but that it would make a big enough difference that people would notice.
I always feel so defeated after our doctors appts. Finn and I try so hard and all I hear is "he still isn't gaining enough weight for us" "he is still really tight after his latest botox injection" "his head control doesn't look that good" "you have to think about what meds he might need in addition to botox"
I go in feeling good. I see changes in Finn...they might not be noticeable to everyone but I see it. And then to be told all of these things that aren't improving frustrates me. I feel powerless...
The future scares the shit out of me. I try not to think about it for too long bc I always end up in tears and having panic attacks bc of how terrified I am. I worry all the time. Then to be told today that he is still tight after botox and might need additional drugs to help with tone. It scared me. Finn is only 3.5 years old...he's only been on botox for a 1.5 years. I thought it would be years and years before we would be having this discussion since there is only so much botox a person can get....but you want to talk about this now?? I immediately think about the future and what this means for Finn down the road..
And I don't know the answer and it scares me....again...powerless.