For 22 months Finn has had issues sleeping. For 22 months I have had to get up with him 2-3 times a night. Finn and I have not been able to have a full nights rest. I have tried everything. Read everything. Asked everyone for advice/opinions. Nothing has worked. In the last month I have noticed Finn's breathing has been irregular when he sleeps. He snores, coughs, chokes, and even stops breathing in the middle of the night. I discussed this with his Physical Medicine doctor and he said it would be a good idea for Finn to get sleep study done. Thank God. I have wanted one of these done 6 months ago, but was turned down by his neurologist. I guess it's kind of a pain to have one done since they have to hook him up with a bunch of electrodes and stuff, but he needs to have it done! I kind of get the brush off from all the doctors I speak with about Finn's sleeping issues. They all say the same thing; 'it's behavioral. he's manipulating you. you need to just let him cry he'll figure it out' Well that's easy for you to say. You haven't had to experience the same sleepless night over and over again for 22 months!
I know Finn's sleep issues are a combination of things, but if I can slowly cross each one off the list then maybe he will start to get better. I hoping the sleep study will confirm that Finn suffers from sleep apnea and they will want to remove his tonsils and adenoids. Even though I don't love the idea of Finn having surgery done, I think this would improve his sleep immensely! Then I can concentrate on controlling his startle reflexes (that he still has and they prevent him from falling asleep on his own). Finn has never been able to keep a pacifier in his mouth, but he loves to use it when he falls asleep. I am hoping with the help of his speech therapist we can teach Finn how to keep a binky in his mouth. This would also help Finn sleep.
I have done lots of reading on this subject and kids with severe neurological problems or trauma do have terrible sleeping habits. I have come to terms with the fact that I might not ever get 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep again for quite some time, but I need him to at least give me longer stretches than 1-2 hours of him alone in his crib. I could be very happy with 4-5 hour stretches. The sleep study is on Tuesday. Let's hope it gives us some results!