In other news yesterday Finn had to be put under anaesthesia to get his eyes checked. Dr. Rogers still likes to take a look at the cyst in Finns right eye, as well as get an exact measurement of Finn's eye. The good news is that the cyst in Finn's eye remains the same size and...the most exciting news of all...Finn's prescription has gotten a little bit better! His right eye went from a 7 to a 6 and his left eye went from a 3.5 to a 2.75. I was super excited to hear this news. Even though it's still pretty bad eye sight, it is still encouraging to hear. Today we went to get Finn some new glasses and I have to say these glasses are amazing. We got him little square hipster frames and they are made of this rubbery looking material and these glasses are indestructible plus they grow with him, which is great because Finn outgrew his old glasses in like 6 months. Here is a photo of the glasses (but we decided not to get the round frames because he looked too much like Harry Potter)
Here are some other pictures of Finn. His OT made him a sensory bin that is filled with different kinds of beans, and he likes to get his hands in there and play around. He was sitting up by himself the other day, which is a new task he is close to achieving!